Monday, April 9, 2007

italian sausage pasta

Italian sausage pasta.
1 package of Italian sausage
1 can diced tomatoes - drain an tiny bit of the juice off and use the rest
Parmesan cheese. I use the Kraft bags of parmesan shredded cheese
1 tablespoon rosemary
2 bay leaves
1/2 cup cream
between 2 and 2 1/2cups penne pasta.

Start the pasta cooking. Cut the Italian sausage into pieces, maybe about 1/2 inch thick, and fry them. Add the tomatoes and juice, rosemary, and bay leaves. Let that simmer while the pasta cooks. When the pasta is done take out the bay leaves (and throw away) and mix in the cream and cheese. Add the pasta and mix it all together. Put in a casserole dish and bake at 350 - if I am really hungry I only bake it for 20 minutes, if I can wait I leave it in a little longer. Enjoy!